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#16509 |

Jesli kogos zainteresowal temat, to elios mi odpowiedzial tak:
1) The Black coating cell is the ultimate coating (very very slippery
and more durable), is a coat spreaded above the open cell rubber, very
used from freedivers, because is very soft and aderent to the body! (the
Gold coating is the old model)

2) The Black coating Smooth is very used from Scuba&freedivers, because
is ultra-slippery to get into, more durable and soft, but less aderent
to the body! (the Copper coating is the old model)

3) The Titanium coating cell is made from the Ecoline neoprene, is a
coat spreaded above the open cell rubber, very used from
open-freedivers, because is very very soft and good for shallow divings!