Mateusz Malina
Post count: 480
#23974 |

Krew…jest nader cenna we Freedivingu… 🙂
Od siebie moge dodac, ze jezeli myslisz o powaznych wynikach, to zapomnij o oddawaniu krwi.

Ponizej zacytuje 2 posty Erica Fattaha, ktore krotko podsumowuja i zamykaja temat.

„It will take about 3 months for you to recover, and, without hard training, you will never recover back to your original level. Elevated hemoglobin/hematocrit levels require very hard and diligent training with good nutrition. Months of painful training are lost in an instant when you give blood.

Although I believe in being a good citizen and giving back to the community, the sad thing is that (in my opinion), giving blood is one thing that is really detrimental to a freediver. If you are going to give blood on a routine basis, then there really isn’t much reason to torture yourself with any training….

It is kind of like being a body builder, going to the gym, building big muscles (which takes LONG), and then 'giving muscle tissue’ as a donation, bringing you from 220lbs of lean muscle back to 160lbs. Now you start from scratch again– kind of takes away the purpose of going to the gym.


Plasma volume will recover in 24 hours. Hemoglobin will take at least 3 weeks to recover, and only if you take iron supplements. Further, if you were in intense training when you gave blood, your hemoglobin will never return to the previous level, until you repeat the same training sequence as before.

The bottom line is that for freedivers, donating blood is much more of a sacrifice than for the average joe.”

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